Which Drug For Erectile Dysfunction Is Best?

- Posted On: Sep 17, 2021
- By: Admin
Over 322 million men will suffer from erectile dysfunction by 2025, confirms a research. One in ten of the men will experience ED or erectile dysfunction in their lifetime. It is not easy to describe the misery of millions of men because of ED d in words. Hence most of them want to know which drug for erectile dysfunction is the best. If you are one of them, your search ends here.
What Is Erectile Dysfunction?
Before diving into the best drug for ED, it is essential to know what ED or erectile dysfunction is. It is a condition when men cannot get enough firm erection for having sexual intercourse. Physically, it happens because of a limited flow of blood to the penis or nerve damages. Psychologically, it could be stress, anxiety, and many others. Though it could happen to men of all ages, it is more prevalent for men above 50 years. But the alarming fact is even young men have erectile dysfunction and want to know the right drug for having enough erection to have a happy sexual life.
Which Drug Is The Best For Treating Erectile Dysfunction?
Now, having known about erectile dysfunction, it is time to know which drug is the best for treating it. Reports confirm that though half the men between the ages of 40 to 70 have erectile dysfunction, only ten percent of them cannot have an erection at all. Hence, the remaining 90%, which makes up millions of men, should have the best drug for treating erectile dysfunction. Furthermore, research confirms that 70% of healthy men with ED issues have enough erection to satisfy the partner after taking ED drugs. But to know the best drug among the many available is vital for having a happy life.
Sildenafil - The First Choice Drug For ED Issues
Doctors want men taking the ED drugs for the first time to try different ones to choose the one that works. But most of the doctors first recommend Sildenafil medicines as treatment for erectile dysfunction issues. It is an accidentally invented medicine to enhance the free flow of blood to the penis after sexual arousal. During the early 90s, there was a clinical trial for validating the use of Sildenafil to enhance blood flow in the heart for treating cardiovascular diseases. But the blood flow went to the wrong place of the penis to give an erection for men.
From its invention in 1998, Sildenafil tablets 150 mg is one of the hot medicines sold for billions worldwide to give enough erection for men with ED issues. Also, with the FDA and NHS approval of not having many side effects and being safe for treating ED issues, it is one of the best drugs. The generic Sildenafil is available in many brand names worldwide in retail and online shops. Taking Sildenafil drug is one of the best ED medicines to provide enough erection and minimum side effects.
Vardenafil - PDE5 Inhibitor For ED Issues
Vardenafil is another erectile dysfunction drug with the added advantage of treating premature ejaculation as well. It is like Sildenafil, but the Vardenafil molecule has a different nitrogen atom position and change of methyl group to ethyl group in the piperazine ring. Since Verdanifil is a PDE5 inhibitor, people taking nitrate should not take it as it may cause life-threatening hypotension or lower blood pressure levels. Vardenafil generic medicine gets sold by a few brand names like Generic Levitra tablets, Vivanza, and others. With its dual effect of treating ED and premature ejaculation, it is ideal for men with both issues to have a happy sexual life.
Tadalafil - ED Drug For Harder Erection
Studies confirm six out of ten men are taking Tadalafil to ensure having a more rigid erection overcoming the ED issues. It is structurally different from Sildenafil or Vardenafil to act within 30 to 60 minutes to give more rigid erections. Tadalafil also treats BPH or benign prostatic hyperplasia and also pulmonary arterial hypertension. It is a generic drug sold in many brand names worldwide to treat ED issues.
The Best Drug For Erectile Dysfunction
Apart from the above three drugs, many others are available for men who have erectile dysfunction. But to find the best for you is only by trying a few of them to find the best one that works well for you. Even expert doctors recommend it as most of them only increase the blood flow to the penis to give enough erection. Though Sildenafil is the most popular globally, other brands sell in billions as proved safe by the premier institutes like FDA and NHS. The factors to check for finding the best drug for erectile dysfunction include.
Factors To Check The Best Drug For Erectile Dysfunction
- Try a few brands to know firsthand what works best to give enough erection.
- Find which one does not give any side effects or only minimal sometimes.
- Check for the easy availability to get online even without a prescription.
- Compare the costs and though available cheaper, check for the quality to ensure taking the right ED drug.
- Check the insurance limits for the number of ED drugs for a month to avail of its benefits.
- Check for any side effect possibility when taken with medications for other ailments like diabetes and blood pressure.
Why Take A Drug For Erectile Dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction, typical for men aged above 50 years, is now more even among younger people. It is because of the immense stress in personal and professional life that could affect both physical and mental health. Moreover, because of the pressing daily needs, many men do not fulfill their husbands' responsibilities. As a result, it causes many divorces, and many are not having children and living a meaningful life. Hence, only the drugs for erectile dysfunction help these millions of men worldwide have a wonderful sexual life to satisfy their partners.
Hence, choose the best drug for erectile dysfunction from the above facts to have a happy life.
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